I did some fun things this weekend! It felt good to be putting some of my creative juices to work. The first thing we did was to make this cute, little pumpkin. Our neighborhood was having our annual Halloween Parade with all the kids in costume and one of the activities was a pumpkin 'carving' contest. We haven't gotten our real pumpkins yet, so we had to make due with a foam one from Michaels. We didn't win the contest (I think the judges were crazy!), but the kids had fun helping me with this... I call it 'Fancy Dallas Pumpkin.'

Then, while I was perusing etsy, I found an adorable muffin tin Christmas advent calendar. I have a little craft show coming up in a few weeks where I will be going with all of my Scrapbook Sussies stuff. Craft shows in the past haven't always been the best for me - mostly because people want to take something with them (and, at past shows, I've only had subscriptions to sell.) This time, I have lots of kits, add-ons, and extras to bring to sell, but I saw this and knew I could make these and they would be a hit!
I plan to make 6 different ones - each with a slightly different color scheme - and sell them for $35 each (Including the adorable little stand that it comes on!). Then, I plan on having an 'add-on' which will include everything you need to fill the 24 cups - hershey kisses, shiny $1.00 coins, little pieces of paper and ribbon for them to write an activity for the day on, and other fun things. If you have any ideas of what might fit in the cups, please let me know! I need to be on the lookout for the next two weeks!!
If you're interested in one, I'll gladly take your order! (And 20% of the proceeds will go to my kid's school!!)