This last weekend, when I was in Seattle, I got a phone call from her.
"Guess what, Mom. Good news!", she says.
"What is it, hon?"
She lost her first tooth while she was still six while she was staying at Grandma's house! WOO HOO! What a story!! She was so excited and so animated when she was telling me about it. Of course, the tooth fairy had to wait one night until we got home to come because 1) she didn't want the tooth fairy to become confused about where she lived and 2) I didn't want to explain that the tooth fairy doesn't always give $100 bills (which I was worried my mom would do!).
I asked my mom to email me a picture and this is the one they took. You can just see how excited she is!!!

Oh, that's hilarious about you fearing your mom would give her $100! What's the going rate per tooth these days, Google Lara?
She looks SO grown up! When did that happen?????
$5.00 for the first tooth, maybe $1.00 for the rest?
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